PUISI BAHASA INGGRIS ~ Buat sahabat pecinta puisi puisi cinta romantis, kali ini saya ingin memposting puisi bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu pakai buat dikirim ke cewek kamu atau yang masih dalam tahap pendekatan, mungkin puisi bahasa inggris ini mampu meluluhkan hatinya untukmu.

Jadi sebelum kamu kirim ini puisi bahasa inggris, sebaiknya persiapin juga diri kamu, mental kamu, kalau perlu bawa serta bunga dan coklat karena cewek kan biasanya paling suka coklat sama bunga ya nggak ? apalagi boneka, ih... so sweet... sambil berbinar-binar matanya selanjutnya kamu dipeluk deh, terus dia bilang "makasih ya sayang, kamu baik banget deh".
Puisi Bahasa Inggris


Eyes similar to the closest star shining bright. Her radiance catching every bit of my breath, this is the embrace of something more than extravagant. How may I describe the idea of something that is more than what is humanly imagined? Three o’clock, the hour the once dreamed beauty became real. Her spring like essence warm and cool at the same time, a smile that relaxes me just as the raining showers in April. Dreaming, dreaming and now reality, she is beauty. Dare I question her intentions as these thoughts quaking my mind may be nothing but a front? A front that the reality of this dream is nothing but a world created in my head, so as not to upset the balance of my dream bordering a nightmare. The dream being this beauty is real and the nightmare wondering…her eyes…do they truly lay upon me? Or am selfish? Should I just be in awe to be in the presence of such a beauty? One may wonder why I trouble myself with these thoughts, but why not? Why not enjoy and surround myself with the beauty granted to me by heaven. With this I lay my thoughts to rest and just live the life with the beauty that is reality. With eyes similar to the closest start shining bright…she is a beauty.
Pretty brown eyes staring at me, deepening my trance I’ve lost all resolve. My thoughts no longer my own I'm a prisoner to these pretty brown eyes, they speak all of love and need… are these pretty brown eyes for me? I try to break the control these eyes have over me but the glow is too beautiful to look away from and, I think I can hear music a symphony of sirens making me forget my name and the reason I'm here. Why am I here? I think its love? My thoughts once again jumbled and distorted trying to find the words to describe those pretty brown eyes, questions and ideas asking why? How am I so fortunate? Can this be real? Has this man gained weak knees? Has my heart begun to melt? Supernatural…the only word that comes to mind, pretty brown eyes such as these must be made of magic. They have the power to darken my brightly lit room and bring me pleasure and brighten my darkest skies for the only rain I ever endure comes from her body, glistening in the moon light dare I look away from her pretty brown eyes…can I look away? A slave to romance I can’t move so she moves closer her eyes creating a thousand images a minute, yet again she moves closer. Staring at her pretty brown eyes we are now chest to chest I feel her heart beating and it’s in sync with mine now that’s making beautiful music together. Her slight touch pushing me back, I'm laying down two human beings now as close as can be. She speaks two words “I'm yours” my trance suddenly broken pretty brown eyes now also pretty lips, creating a pretty smile. Pretty soft skin pressed again mine and before my mind can comprehend the pretty brown eyes turn my room dark and once again bring me pleasure. My eyes close to a peaceful sleep and I wake to a room lit with the most beautiful moonlight but with no body next to me. I close my eyes in fear it was all a dream but next my pillow...a note with three little words I LOVE YOU with a signature at the bottom PRETTY BROWN EYES!

Nah gimana sobat udah baca "PUISI BAHASA INGGRIS" di atas, bagus kan ? tentu dong yang bikin kan juga pujangga baik hati dan tidak sombong hihihi.... kalau suka sama puisi bahasa inggris itu, coba dong klik like / share facebook atau tweet, biar temen-temen kamu juga tahu betapa baiknya kamu bagi-bagi Puisi Bahasa Inggris ini. "(^_^)"