Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro

Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro. The photographs allegedly vulgar like Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, and VJ Mike outstanding. The photographs are circulating on twitter microblogging site.

Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro

The photos were originally spread via Blackberry Messenger service, but then disseminated through tweetphoto, photo upload sites that relate to Twitter. In the photo of Tora and Darius does something inappropriate, while VJ Mike just laughed at them.

“WTF? Is it real??!!!” posting pemilik akun andryTU, Rabu (28/7/2010).

“Ho'oh .. Tora , darius n mike ..RT @YrizkiPW: Itu bnran darius..?? RT @andryTU: Asikk yah ? LOL RT @vinnyamalia: Ohhh......ohh...,” he wrote.

But today, through the comments on the photo DiazCrmlWork confirms the account owner if the image is circulated through bb messenger, which was then posted to twitter.

“Aduh udah jgn diperluas ya vinca bahaya..manda emang nih kerjannya.d bbm malah di tweetin,” tulisnya, Kamis (29/7/2010).

He also has been mentioned (Mentions) Tora Sudiro and affirms that it is only criminals photoshop job.

“Sumpah @t_orasudi_ro ampunnn ini kerjaan penjahat si ah @FatManda jadi bang tora manyun tuh,” he wrote again.

Diaz also worried that the images can be problematic and carry her name. “Ihhhhh parah jangan di tweet di bbm aja foto ini mah pake nama gwa lg tar gw di tuntut nda :p @FatManda,” he concluded.